Wait ... come back!!!
We have been in Cambodia for seven days (I think). It has rained on us every day. Including this morning until about 9:00. Then it started to clear up. When I noticed it, I rejoiced. Unfortunately, as it warmed up the water started to evaporate. I never really thought much about it, however, I think that is the definition of humidity. Then, as the day progressed, the sun warmed us more, and more, and more, and more. And the glorious breeze we have had every day ... Not today. By 1:00, it was hot, and humid. I hope it rains tomorrow!
Have you ever seen a deer caught in the headlights of a car? You would have if you had been with us today. Only, it wasn't a deer, it was one of our team! It was Sunday morning, and the pastor of the school we were at was holding a Sunday worship service for a small group of his flock. When we arrived, this team member was asked to do a fifteen minute talk from the English Bible. Sermon probably isn't the correct term ... maybe sermonette? Definite deer in the headlights moment. Fortunately, Fifty5five came to the rescue. Using a cross necklace and colored beads we tell a story about creation, the fall, Jesus's crucifixion, how his blood washes us clean and that heaven awaits us. Add in five verses from Revelation 22 that talk about heaven and you have a sermonette. We followed it up with everyone, including the pastor, doing the cross necklace craft.
After he. was done with his worship service, the pastor left to go to another church and preach. He came back just before we left today, and was still wearing the necklace he made. There is power in a simple child's craft. Actually, there is power in God's word, no matter how it is conveyed.
We closed out teacher training today. Tomorrow we start a two day vacation bible school. The teacher trainees from yesterday and today will be helping out. I can't wait to see them at work. If you look close at the picture, you can see the cross necklace being worn by a number of the trainees.
The devotional is Psalm 34.
While you are reading it, remember that the first 10 verses are a song. The final 12 verses are a sermon. Verses 11-14 relate to man. Verses 15-19 relate to the LORD. Verses 20 to 22 are Jesus.
I love this shot of the local version of David ...
I haven't said it much this trip, however, your prayers have be answered with power. Thank you soooo much.