Fifty5five needs your support to make a difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor children.
You can share God's love with children throughout the developing world by making a gift of any size to Fifty5five. Gifts to Fifty5five, a non-profit 501(C)(3) corporation, are tax-deductible. You will receive a gift receipt for tax purposes.
You can also sponsor a volunteer. Our teams average 4-8 members, which travel into 3rd world countries to train adults to teach the Word of God to children. Every expense incurred during the trip is divided equally among those traveling.
Each member of the team is a volunteer. No one is paid to participate in this program and each volunteer is responsible for raising the funds. Money is raised through private donations, support letters, garage sales, annual enchilada feed, and other various fundraiser events.
The price for each trip varies according to airline ticket prices, transportation in-country, supplies needed for the site, etc. and average between $3,000 and $4,500. Should you choose to sponsor a volunteer for any amount, you may do so by designating the individual you wish to support in the memo line of your check made out to:
4207 Elverta Rd Suite 111 #245
Antelope, CA 95843
May the Lord bless you for participating in this valuable ministry through the sharing of all He has given you. In addition, we would treasure your prayers on our next venture.