Fifty5five Purpose
Reaching children around the world by training teachers
Fifty5five serves to mobilize Christian volunteers with a heart for children and a call to the great commission of sharing the Gospel. We serve Christian ministries that are reaching out to the children in their communities and advancing the gospel of Christ through Kingdom service. Fifty5five is a non-profit organization.
Fifty5five has designed workshops to train local church staff how to setup and run a fruitful children’s ministry. Included are everything from leadership classes, storytelling, lesson reinforcement, methods for teaching life application, right down to classroom management. We see this training as a foundational piece of our calling — so the work of ministering to the children can continue on, long after Fifty5five has left.
Fifty5five workshops can be tailored to meet your specific children’s ministry needs. Please take time to visit our web site at www.fifty5five.com and look up “workshops” for examples of the training available to your ministry.
Fifty5five has developed a Vacation Bible School program that serves two purposes. The first purpose is to clearly present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that children can understand and respond to Jesus Christ as their LORD and savior. The second purpose is to give teachers who received the training offered a chance to gain valuable hands on experience while helping Fifty5five conduct the Vacation Bible School
Fifty5five is a faith-based organization relying on the gifts of volunteer children’s ministry teachers, storytellers, worship leaders, activity directors, skit writers and actors, as well as those gifted in organizing the supplies needed for a fruitful children’s ministry. We are pleased to provide these children’s services free of charge.
Our Goals...
To meet your children’s ministry needs by offering tailored training for your children’s ministry teachers, providing the curriculum and supplies that meet the specific needs of the children in your church, and reaching the children in your community for Christ through the Vacation Bible School. We strive to be sensitive to the culture of the area while we are in country. We aim to equip your ministry with new teaching techniques and ideas. We can provide children’s ministry curriculum that can be used by your teachers to further children’s understanding of the Gospel throughout the year.