Is that the right way to spell it? I know, its not really a word, but you all know what I mean. Its that person (or in this case persons) who obviously couldn't care less about what is going on, but they seem to constantly be "hanging around." All three trips to Dominican Republic have had them. Today, it was two young women with babies. I saw them yesterday, walking around acting like they could care less. One tall, one short. The taller of the two was very distinctive with her purple hair. I spotted them right away when about half way through today's morning teacher training they wandered into the church we are teaching at. They quietly sat down and listened with little expression on their faces. Never once did I see them sing a praise song, or recite a scripture verse. At one point, our translator commented there were a couple of non Christians attending, and although I don't know for sure, they were the only ones that seemed to fit. At the lunch break between teacher training and VBS they got up and left.
Surprise ... surprise, at the end of the break they were back. During the break, they had taken the time to clean and dress their babies in what I think was probably the best clothes they had. And, no longer were they sitting quietly watching. They were laughing, singing praise songs, saying the verses, and they participated in the craft ... a pair of glasses representing God's ability to see everything we do, say, and think. Maybe seeds were planted. Maybe more. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Speaking of visitors who were not a part of the training or the VBS. There was an older lady who came in soon after we started this morning. She prayed with us when we prayed. She quietly recited the memory verses. She quietly sang along with our songs. However, it was her gentle smile that I enjoyed the most. That and the sock puppet she made as part of the morning craft. She kept it on her hand, periodically looking at it and smiling for the rest of the morning session.
You may have gathered from previous posts that I love to walk around and meet people. Today, while on a walk, I had the privilege of meeting the family of a man who has been very very sick for over two weeks. I was quite honored when I was asked if I would join in prayer for him with his family. I ask that you add him to your prayers and ask God for his comfort and healing, and for peace for his family.
Beautiful, heartfelt stories 😘