Today was a travel day. As we moved from Phnom Penh to Svay Reing for our next teacher training, we all put down a few thoughts.
Theresa-I love to walk our team through the low point and high point of the day. At the end of the trip I like to have everyone sum it up in a post. This time I requested we do it by training site. We began our training with the AIM group. They brought in teachers from the church, the school, the emergency child care program, and another organization that shares the same mission as AIM. It always warms my heart when I see the body of Christ come together and denominations or organizations do not get in the way. Each group in the training shined; the church teachers did the most amazing skit, the Bloom group were super participatory, the young male teachers-in-training made me laugh and were great sports when we made the quiz questions super difficult, and the school teachers honed in with intense note taking. The highlight however was the same as Jeri. I’ll share ours together. The house moms stole our hearts. They were in the training as well. They alternated shifts in the training so that all could take part in the training. As moms we tend to not see our value. These moms have a high calling! They are like foster parents in American but on a deeper level and care for many children at a time. They are laying the foundation. Our hope is that they heard how valued and see the importance of the job that they are doing. We got to walk through the center and see them in action and we both walked out in tears.
Becky Jo- Every time we start a new teacher training my stomach starts flipping and swaying some people call it nerves, I call it too much caffeine hahahaha! What is God going to do this time? My favorite memory for Cambodia this time is when the first time I see the class filled with people with notebook and pen in hand ready to take notes! And then we have them stand up and start singing Jump jump jump into the light light light or My God is Big! I love their smiles and their voices and their laughter. Its pure Joy!!! It’s so much fun to sing praises to God with our big huge family of God! Even if someone is singing off key! I’m bringing a joyful noise to the Lord in Cambodia! Whoo whoo!!!!
Don - With me, it’s the relationships we developed one on one and in groups. We started out the training on Tuesday with a very stoic group. As Becky said, it didn’t take long before the smiles and laughter began! As the days progressed, I love the look in everyone’s eyes as friendships are built across cultural boundaries that no longer exist. This is my second training in Cambodia, and my first in Phnom Pehn. Theresa and Beck Jo have been here before, and “encountered” several past trainees. The reunions were a joy to watch. It was obvious the training had a lasting impact. Interestingly, for me it was after training was over that I realized just how meaningful the relationships become. As was mentioned in the post last night, on the way back to our hotel we stopped at Bloom Cakes, a sister organization working with victims of the sex trafficking. As we pulled into the parking area out front, I noticed that one of the participants had beat us there and was standing outside doing something with her phone. We got out of the van just as she looked up and saw us. The shouted “they came” was heart felt, and heartwarming. Something I will not soon forget.
Devotional for tomorrow is Psalm 32
Just one question as you read Psalm 32. How does it compare with todays devotional on Psalm 51. They were both written following (and about) "the Bathsheba incident."