You all new he would. So did we. But, it's always amazing how God brings things together. As you already know he got us safely to Jamaica through delays and luggage losses. The miracles continued early yesterday when Theresa received a message from the airline letting her know our luggage had been found and had already arrived in Jamaica on the first flight in. The next step? Sit back and relax and they would deliver all eight bags directly to our doorstep.
A few hours later, at 1:15, here they come. All luggage present and accounted for.
I think that's enough of the boring stuff. You will be happy to hear we kicked off our first session this morning. The first part of the day was dedicated to teacher training with about a dozen teacher's, followed by a vacation bible school including about 30 kids. Fun, games, and stories of Jesus were enjoyed by all. Better yet, we were told to expect even more kids tomorrow. Seems that word of the fun has spread and others want in.

It is almost 7:00 PM as I write this. The sun just went down, the sky still has remnants of orange in the few clouds, and Theresa and BeckyJo are busy preparing stickers for tomorrows activities. On that note, I think I will sign off. An air conditioned room is calling to me from 10 feet away and I think I am going to say yes.
Till tomorrow (or the next day), may God's joy overwhelm you.
