Today was a good day. Actually, it was a very good day. We were back at the AIM School for day two of teacher training. That's the day we start to include the trainees in "teach backs". Just before lunch, an assignment was given where each table was to prepare and present a training session using all the skills learned this far. Skills learned thus far include costumes, different learning styles, and presentation techniques. Lunch lasted an hour and a half, and at the end of that time, presentations were to be done.
All I can say is WOW. Presentations included topics as diverse as Peter "walking" on the water to Jesus, Jesus healing the paralyzed man that had been let down through the roof, and the angel coming to Mary to tell her she would be having a child. During the very first "skit", the four of us could only look at each other. Even with no one translating there was no doubt what the lesson was.
Tomorrow's devotion on Psalm 38 moves us from the area of creation to sin.
Some questions to consider:
What do you feel when you realize sin in your life?
Compare Romans 7:23-25 with Psalm 38.
What do David's friends and enemies do?
How does David close the psalm?